Invest in our community.

It is with great pride that we’ve launched the inaugural issue of Coloring Psychoanalysis. This past year has been incomparable in terms of realizing a dream. It also became clear that we need your support to keep it growing. The vision for Coloring Psychoanalysis was never limited to words on a page, but rather the abundant possibilities of community and connection that these words make possible.

I’m asking for your help to move us closer to this vision.

While Coloring Psychoanalysis will always remain free for all its BIPOC members, we suggest a donation of $40 for each issue to support our ability to keep this community available to everyone and make it possible for us to grow in a fair and sustainable way. Please feel free to offer more or less based on your resources. Note: at this time, donations are not tax deductible. 

If you are an ally, this is also a much-needed way to show your support.

Your donations would go far toward supporting the tremendous labor and costs that went into our launch. If you are a subscriber reading the issue, I hope you see, as I do, the dedication and heart of all our contributors in their work. Behind each piece, there were also hours of personalized editorial support that helped the work shine. From starting to craft our website to putting together the debut issue, through every decision and interaction, I’ve worked hard to ensure Coloring Psychoanalysis is first and foremost a space that honors BIPOC community, dignity, and self-love. Some of these concrete steps have included:

  • Creating and maintaining website

  • Managing subscriber list

  • Outreach and communications

  • Managing submissions process; organizing and supporting contributors and editing consultants 

  • Organizing monthly creative support groups

  • Designing and editing issue

  • Utilizing web and design tools

At this time, donations will also provide important seed funding for the growth and sustainability of Coloring Psychoanalysis into a true community. In addition to future issues, some of our next steps also include applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, learning about our collective needs and resources via a community survey, and real-time and/or in-person events.

Thank you for investing in the Coloring Psychoanalysis community.